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Xin Liu is an independent filmmaker and cinematographer whose works mainly focus on the relationship between human beings and nature.


Xin was born in Harbin, China, and went to France when he was 22, obtaining a Master of Social Science degree from the Université de Poitiers (IFFCAM),  specializing in nature and wildlife documentary writing and directing. His thesis film,   Le Même (2014) was produced in France and Germany. He then moved to Canada where he made his second short film, A World Without (2018), which he shot over a two-year period in the Canadian and American Rockies. Soon after, he received his Master of Fine Arts degree at York University in Toronto, specializing in Film Production. At the same time, he began developing and working on his first feature, Upstream (2023).
His works have been screened in 13 countries and 25
 film festivals worldwide, such as Hot Docs Canadian International Film Festival, China Documentary Academy Awards, Paris International Environment Film Festival, Edmonton International Film Festival, Open City Documentary Festival, Nepal International Film Festival, Wildlife Film Festival Rotterdam, Innsbruck Nature Film Festival, Athens Short Film Festival, etc.

MFA, Film Production, York University  (Canada)
MSS, Nature & Wildlife Documentary Writing and Directing, Université de Poitiers  (France)
BA, TV Production, Heilongjiang University  (China)



劉心出生在中國. 哈尔滨。22歲前往法國,在里昂第二大學學習法語與法國文學,後在普瓦提埃大學梅尼古特电影学院, 跟隨法國自然電影大師雅克. 貝漢的電影團隊学习自然紀錄片寫作與創作,獲得社會學碩士學位。他的第一部短片《同類》是在法國和德國拍攝製作的。之后他旅居加拿大​卡尔加里,在美国和加拿大落磯山脈地區完成他的第二部短片《落基山民》。隨後他搬往​多倫多,在約克大學學習電影製作專業,獲得藝術碩士學位。同时他完成了第一部長篇電影《洄》的制作。

劉心的作品曾在中國,法國,美國,加拿大,荷蘭,葡萄牙,奧地利,匈牙利,希臘等13個國家的25個國際電影節展映或獲獎,如:加拿大Hot Docs國際電影節, 中國紀錄片學院獎,法国巴黎国际环境电影节,加拿大埃德蒙頓國際電影節,英国开放城市纪录片电影节,尼泊爾國際電影節,葡萄牙​比利亚雷亚尔國際自然影像節,荷蘭鹿特丹野生動物電影節,奧地利茵斯布魯克自然電影節,希臘雅典短片電影節等。






中國電影股份有限公司 - 簽約導演 (2014-2017)

中宣部&中央電視台 - 《我們一起走過》- 分集導演(2018)

湖南衛視 - ​《奇妙的朋友》- 導演組成員(2014)

旅遊衛視 - 「行者」之《法國過客》- 導演 (2013)

鳳凰網 - ​第66屆法國戛納電影節 - 驻地特約記者 (2013)

​新華社 - 黑龍江​省分社 - 實習攝影記者(2010)


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